
Creeped Out

So I decided to start my exercising today...no real reason, just felt like the right day. I went for a bike ride around the 'hood. I biked down 92nd to Cold Spring, then on Cold Spring to a bike path, and then came back. Well, towards Cold Spring on my way back, there was this guy biking the other direction. Okay, no big whoop. Its a bike path. So then I'm climbing up the small hill on Cold Spring and notice someone's biking behind me. I slow down so they can pass me, but they don't. Strange (since I'm a slow biker). I turn to look, thinking it will be a pro biker, and it's the guy I passed on the path! Okay, so he's just going back on a major road. So I turn off on 95th or something, just to be sure. Intersect with Plainfield after being chased buy a black dog. Sure enough, at the intersection of Plainfield and 92nd, there's the creepy guy again. And it's like he's waiting for me. So I stop a block away, drink some water in hopes that he'll continue. He doesn't. Well, at this point I really just want to get home cause I'm pooped and creeped out. So I turn on 92nd, and afterwards he goes straight. But soon enough, he's back behind me. I made it to the apt. complex, he kept on biking straight (phew)...but still, creepy.

For my own notes, he had stringy shoulder-length grayish blonde hair, a denim hat and coat, blue jeans, and he looked older middle aged.

I looked on the Greenfield police sex offender page, and there was someone who kinda looked like him living on 90th...so not that far away. Creepy.


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