

it's a crazy crazy year. it all started off nice and dandy. then what? i lose my job because my degree wasn't conferred until december 2003. teaching without a lisence = bad. teaching without a degree = worse. get a job subbing while my lisence paper work is filed.

get a call from madison...they need my beloit transcripts. "but i sent you those a month ago" says i. "we don't have them" says they. "yes they do" says beloit. "oh, wait, here they are" says madison. "oh, you need to take two more classes before we can give you your lisence" says madison. "you told me since i was post-baccalaureate i didn't need to finish that part of the program" says me. "oh, well, you lied to us and didn't finish your degree when you said, so now we may never give you your lisence" says madison. "OH NO!" says i. "okay, just take these two classes and we'll give you your lisence." (a bitch, but PHEW!)

school year ends, can't sub any more. seek a job and return to shitty old navy. struggle with money, even now. have a few interviews over the summer. most promising one says i need my lisence in hand..."but i'm working on it!" "Too bad!" grrrrrr....

august begins. send my transcripts to madison. "oh, we lost them again cause we're dumbasses." hand deliver transcripts to madison. "looks good, but no temporary lisence, so you can't sub again until you get the real deal, which could take two months." still at old navy. going back to school for biology major or certification. taking genetics, limnology, and cell biology at once. gonna need help from bio friends (at least no crazy drysophola genetics labs...no genetics labs at all...yay!).

still waiting for financial aid check. get lecture from parents about borrowing too much money. "but my loans will be here soon!"

kitty dies.

what else is gonna happen?


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