
Need to meet some new people

Okay, don't get defensive. I really like my friends. And I will always hang out with them. Except last movie night, it became clear to me that some of my friends (SB) are still out on the prowl and I am not. I've been settling down for the last few years, whereas she has not. Okay, so I'm speaking mostly of one person. So when we do stuff together, I'm starting to become more uncomfortable with her conversations, which usually involve only one topic. It's just that...we're in different stages of life.

Other friends, though still on the prowl, are calmer and more settled (N and I). And I highly enjoy hanging out with them for more settled activities, like casual drinking and game and movie nights. That don't involved taking off clothing.

Still, that's only two or three other people. Who do I have to fall back on, besides B, when they are busy and I want to do something? That's when I start feeling lonely.

However, where do you find new people that are looking for fun, but not raucous, nights out? They're the people that don't hang out in the clubs and like places. Maybe a local bar; but then there's the smoke and money part. Plus the people that hang out at Oak Creek local bars tend to be, um, trailer trash.

So how and where can I meet new fun-in-a-geeky-way people? Um, without getting addicted to WoW.


At 10:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, it's N. I can't remember my login :(

So I often mind myself in a similar situation, knowing few people who enjoy doing the same things I do and who live close by and have a similar schedule and yeah. There's quite a few in WoW which is one of the reasons I still play. Anyway.

Unfortunately I'm not exactly the expert on meeting new people in real life. Especially like-minded folks who are similarly down-to-earth and dislike the club scene. But. I always love coming over for movie night :) And *hugs*


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