
Feeling Stoopid

Why does it seem everyone around me understands the business side of teaching, like the union and the administration and what's good and what's not good? I can barely get a grasp on the teaching part itself! And there are people out there with opinions and reasons for their opinions, but I usally have a blank mind. Or I have opinions, and the reasons behind them are absent or lackluster.

I love what I know...I love understanding how the earth works and how big and condescending the universe is and watching my cats and trying to understand why they behave the way they do. That's the stuff I get. It's when you add the business part to life that I get all fandangled and confuddled.

If I had a dream job, I think I would be a pastry chef, but I feel like I'm too old to get into it. Or, it's just not the right time in my life to get into it yet.

I wish B could find his dream job. I think we'd have a lot more energy and be a lot happier then. It makes me feel helpless that he can't find what he wants.


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