muse muse
damn, i don't see how people can keep up with these things. i've always been terrible with logs of any kind. i find more interesting things to do, or things that involve less brain power.
well, do you like my new dress? liz designed it and did a good job. except mozilla reads css differently than ie, so it looks different. but still pretty.
i had more strange dreams this morning...maybe i need to drink more water. dehydration can cause halucinations...i wonder if that could happen when you're asleep, though. maybe i just need to express my creativity more. i could start writing again, but i'm a crappy writer. to a point. i can write scientific papers well, but not free-form creative stuff. i want to write like jk rowling. i don't know where she gets it. i also want to be brilliant like tolkien and create my own language. although everytime i try to pick up the silmarilion, i decide i'm too tired.
i'm always tired. i need to exercise. but i'm lazy. how do you start from being lazy?
hmm...other news...still unemployed, but applied for 8 districts today. 6 more to do. and there will be hopefully more postings through june and july, too! for the summer i'll prolly work for the medical college of wisconsin doing boring ass lab work. my friend works there; she says i really just need a high school diploma or college degree. i have both. it'll be boring, but it will pay. unless i could get a job with a museum. that would kick ass. well, i'm going to turn it over to the milwaukee people (nellie) for more ideas.
later folks!
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